The Papuan people must know that the KKB are anti-kris soldiers

Papua- Armed Criminal Groups are a movement of irresponsible individuals. This proves that in carrying out their struggle they do not have a positive impact but the opposite.

The murders, rapes, arson, hostage-taking, theft of weapons of war, the chaos they commit does not reflect what they believe in their teachings.

Therefore, they are not warriors. Rather, they only want to destroy peace and pursue their ambitions that have no clear goals. Because what they did was very disgraceful and cannot be tolerated as fellow human beings.

Apart from that, Seby Sambon, the spokesman for the National Commission on TPNPB-OPM, which is part of the movement, also gave orders to his brothers to damage and destroy. So it is not surprising if they are indeed fighters but are members of the anti-Christ.

If Papua is a small paradise on Earth of Cenderawasih, then the KKB must be opposed. So that peace can be realized for this land, the Papuan people must have the courage to defend what is right to advance their beloved Papua.

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