Papua Remains an Integral Part of Indonesia: ULMWP's Allegation Does Not Represent the Full Voice

_By: Chairman of the DPP Barisan Merah Putih Republic of Indonesia, Max Abner Ohee_

Papua - Controversy has colored the claims of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) which states that the majority of Papuans desire independence from Indonesia. This claim immediately received a firm response from Max Abner Ohee, Chairman of the DPP Barisan Merah Putih Republic of Indonesia, who called it not reflecting the full voice of the Papuan people.

Markus Haluk, Executive Secretary of ULMWP, claims that Papua has been colonized for six decades and the majority of Papuans support separation. However, Max Abner Ohee stated that this view was wrong and did not reflect the reality on the ground. According to him, many elements of Papuan society have different views and support unity with Indonesia.

In his criticism of ULMWP, Max Abner Ohee highlighted claims about the situation in Papua becoming increasingly intense and organized. He believes that this statement does not take into account the negative impact of conflict on the Papuan people, especially those caused by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which often disturbs the Papuan people themselves.

Max also thinks that the police's efforts in the Muhammad Iqbal case following his controversial posts on social media some time ago reflect concern for national security and unity.

"Solidarity on social media, as seen in this case, not only reflects concern about the situation in Papua but also highlights the importance of maintaining stability throughout the country," he said.

Although global human rights activists such as Peter Gary Tatchell voiced support for Papuan independence, Max Abner Ohee emphasized that this view should be considered as one of a variety of global views and does not represent the Papuan people.

As a task force that handles the Papua problem in the Red and White Front, he urges not to be provoked by unilateral claims from the ULMWP.(*)

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