34 Days Before the Election Countdown, People in Papua Are Ready to Make Their Choices

Papua- Papua Province is ready to hold the 2024 General Election. This preparation is a benchmark for the community's readiness or enthusiasm in choosing potential leaders.

From the latest data, there are 3,109 TPS and 727,835 DPT recorded in Papua Province.

For this reason, preparations for the election which will be held in 34 days will be prepared as best as possible so that the public can hold the election safely and peacefully.

PJ. Papua Governor Muhammad Ridwan Rudalamun said the election must be held peacefully.

He asked the security forces in Papua to also maintain security in every area or TPS or DPT occupied, he said.

On the other hand, the Chairman of the Papua KPU, Steve Dumbon, stated that he was ready to encourage the implementation of elections in Bumi Cenderawasih so that they proceed as desired.

Papua will also determine its choice for future national leaders.

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